

You will need to provide configuration for the adapter to work correctly:

  • You will need to alias the mezzio-authentication AuthenticationInterface to the package's PhpSession implementation.

  • You will need to ensure a mezzio-authentication UserRepositoryInterface implementation is available and configured.

  • You will need to provide a factory capable of generating a UserInterface instance, if you do not want to use the default provided by mezzio-authentication.

  • You will need to provide a URL or path to which the authentication middleware will redirect if no user is discovered in the session.


Below is an example demonstrating authentication configuration you might provide when using mezzio-authentication-session. In particular:

  • It aliases the PdoDatabase user repository implementation from mezzio-authentication as the UserRepositoryInterface service.

  • It aliases the PhpSession adapter from this package to the AuthenticationInterface service.

  • It does not configure a Mezzio\Authentication\UserInterface service, opting to use the default provided by mezzio-authentication.

  • It configures the path /login as the URL to which unauthenticated users will be redirected.

// in a config/autoload/*.global.php file:


use Mezzio\Authentication\AuthenticationInterface;
use Mezzio\Authentication\Session\PhpSession;
use Mezzio\Authentication\UserRepositoryInterface;
use Mezzio\Authentication\UserRepository\PdoDatabase;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'aliases' => [
            AuthenticationInterface::class => PhpSession::class,
            UserRepositoryInterface::class => PdoDatabase::class,

    'authentication' => [
        'redirect' => '/login',

Handling the login

Once you have configured the adapter, you will also need to write a handler that will handle login attempts.