Basic Usage

Configure an RBAC system

You can configure your RBAC using a configuration file, as follows:

// config/autoload/authorization.local.php
return [
    // ...
    'mezzio-authorization-rbac' => [
        'roles' => [
            'administrator' => [],
            'editor'        => ['administrator'],
            'contributor'   => ['editor'],
        'permissions' => [
            'contributor' => [
            'editor' => [
            'administrator' => [

In the above example, we designed an RBAC system with 3 roles: administator, editor, and contributor. We defined a hierarchy of roles as follows:

  • administrator has no parent role.
  • editor has administrator as a parent. That means administrator inherits the permissions of the editor.
  • contributor has editor as a parent. That means editor inherits the permissions of contributor, and following the chain, administator inherits the permissions of contributor.

For each role, we specified an array of permissions. As you can notice, a permission is just a string; it can represent anything. In our implementation, this string represents a route name. That means the contributor role can access the routes admin.dashboard and admin.posts but cannot access the routes admin.publish (assigned to editor role) and admin.settings (assigned to administrator).

Custom Authorization Logic

If you want to change the authorization logic for each permission, you can write your own Mezzio\Authorization\AuthorizationInterface implementation. That interface defines the following method:

isGranted(string $role, ServerRequestInterface $request): bool;

where $role is the role and $request is the PSR-7 HTTP request to authorize.

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