
This document covers changes between version 2 and version 3, and how you may update your code to adapt to them.


The internals of Mezzio\Swoole\SwooleRequestHandlerRunner have changed entirely. As a result, the constructor signature has also changed. Before, it read:

public function __construct(
    Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler,
    callable $serverRequestFactory,
    callable $serverRequestErrorResponseGenerator,
    Mezzio\Swoole\PidManager $pidManager,
    Swoole\Http\Server $httpServer,
    Mezzio\Swoole\StaticResourceHandlerInterface $staticResourceHandler = null,
    Mezzio\Swoole\Log\AccessLogInterface $logger = null,
    string $processName = self::DEFAULT_PROCESS_NAME,
    ?Mezzio\Swoole\HotCodeReload\Reloader $hotCodeReloader = null

It now reads:

public function __construct(
    Swoole\Http\Server $httpServer,
    Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher

As such, if you were providing your own factory for the class, or instantiating it manually, you will need to update your code. See the chapter on events for more information on how the the PSR-14 event dispatcher is used internally, and what listeners are provided.


The class Mezzio\Swoole\HotCodeReload\Reloader and its associated factory have been removed. Use the HotCodeReloaderWorkerStartListener instead.

Additionally, with version 3, you will need to specify which paths you want to scan for changes via configuration. Please see the hot code reloading section on Configuration for details.


In version 2 of this package, if you wanted to use the Swoole HTTP Server task functionality, you needed to:

  • Set the task_worker_num option for the server instance in configuration.
  • Create and register a task event handler with the server instance.

With version 3 of this package, we now always register a task event handler (see the Swoole HTTP Server Events and Triggering Async Tasks chapters for details), which means you only need to configure the task_worker_num setting. Alternately, you can pass the --num-task-workers|-t option with a numeric number of task workers to either of the mezzio:swoole:start or mezzio:swoole:reload console commands (see Command line usage section below for details).

Command line usage

In releases prior to version 3, the package shipped with its own binary, mezzio-swoole, and defined the commands start, stop, status, and reload.

Starting with version 3, the package now leverages laminas-cli, exposing the commands mezzio:swoole:start, mezzio:swoole:stop, mezzio:swoole:status, and mezzio:swoole:reload. As such, if you started the server as follows:

$ ./vendor/bin/mezzio-swoole start

you will now start it using:

$ ./vendor/bin/laminas mezzio:swoole:start

Usage of other commands will change similarly.