
Command Line Tooling

This package provides integration with laminas-cli, and provides the following commands:

  • mezzio:swoole:start to start the server
  • mezzio:swoole:stop to stop the server (when run in daemonized mode)
  • mezzio:swoole:reload to reload the server (when run in daemonized mode)
  • mezzio:swoole:status to determine the server status (running or not running)

You may obtain help for each command using the help meta-command:

$ ./vendor/bin/laminas help mezzio:swoole:start

The mezzio:swoole:stop, mezzio:swoole:status, and mezzio:swoole:reload commands are sufficiently generic to work regardless of runtime or application, as they work directly with the Swoole process manager. The mezzio:swoole:start command, however, may need customizations if you have customized your application bootstrap.

The mezzio:swoole:start command

The mezzio:swoole:start command will start the web server using the following steps:

  • It pulls the Swoole\Http\Server service from the application dependency injection container, and calls set() on it with options denoting the number of workers to run (provided via the --num-workers or -w option), the number of task workers to spawn (provided via the --num-task-workers or -t option), and whether or not to daemonize the server (provided via the --daemonize or -d option).

  • It pulls the Mezzio\Application and Mezzio\MiddlewareFactory services from the container.

  • It loads the config/pipeline.php and config/routes.php files, invoking their return values with the application, middleware factory, and dependency injection container instances.

  • It calls the run() method of the application instance.

These are roughly the steps taken within the application bootstrap (public/index.php) of the Mezzio skeleton application.

Writing a custom mezzio:swoole:start command

If your application needs alternate bootstrapping (e.g., if you have modified the public/index.php, or if you are using this package with a different middleware runtime), we recommend writing a custom mezzio:swoole:start command.

As an example, let's say you have altered your application such that you're defining your routes in multiple files, and instead of:

(require 'config/routes.php')($app, $factory, $container);

you instead have something like:

$handle = opendir('config/routes/');
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
    if (false === strrpos($entry, '.php')) {
    (require $entry)($app, $factory, $container);

You could write a command such as the following:

// In src/App/Command/StartCommand.php:

namespace App\Command;

use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Swoole\Http\Server as SwooleHttpServer;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Mezzio\Application;
use Mezzio\MiddlewareFactory;
use Mezzio\Swoole\Command\StartCommand as BaseStartCommand;
use Mezzio\Swoole\PidManager;

class StartCommand extends BaseStartCommand
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) : int
        // This functionality is identical to the base start command, and should
        // be copy and pasted to your implementation:
        $this->pidManager = $this->container->get(PidManager::class);
        if ($this->isRunning()) {
            $output->writeln('<error>Server is already running!</error>');
            return 1;

        $server = $this->container->get(SwooleHttpServer::class);
            'daemonize' => $input->getOption('daemonize'),
            'worker_num' => $input->getOption('num-workers') ?? self::DEFAULT_NUM_WORKERS,

        /** @var \Mezzio\Application $app */
        $app = $this->container->get(Application::class);

        /** @var \Mezzio\MiddlewareFactory $factory */
        $factory = $this->container->get(MiddlewareFactory::class);

        // Execute programmatic/declarative middleware pipeline and routing
        // configuration statements
        (require 'config/pipeline.php')($app, $factory, $this->container);

        // This is the new code from above:
        $handle = opendir(getcwd() . '/config/routes/');
        while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
            if (false === strrpos($entry, '.php')) {
            (require $entry)($app, $factory, $container);

        // And now we return to the original code:

        // Run the application

        return 0;

You will also need to write a factory for the class:

// In src/App/Command/StartCommandFactory.php:

namespace App\Command;

use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

class StartCommandFactory
    public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container) : StartCommand
        return new StartCommand($container);

If this is all you're changing, you can map this new command to the existing Mezzio\Swoole\Command\StartCommand service within your configuration:

// in config/autoload/

use App\Command\StartCommandFactory;
use Mezzio\Swoole\Command\StartCommand;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => [
            StartCommand::class => StartCommandFactory::class,

Since the laminas binary uses your application configuration and container, this will substitute your command for the shipped command!