
Error Handling

Mezzio provides error handling out of the box, via laminas-stratigility's FinalHandler implementation. This pseudo-middleware is executed in the following conditions:

  • If the middleware stack is exhausted, and no middleware has returned a response.
  • If an error has been passed via $next(), but not handled by any error middleware.

The FinalHandler essentially tries to recover gracefully. In the case that no error was passed, it does the following:

  • If the response passed to it differs from the response provided at initialization, it will return the response directly; the assumption is that some middleware along the way called $next() with a new response.
  • If the response instances are identical, it checks to see if the body size has changed; if it has, the assumption is that a middleware at some point has written to the response body.
  • At this point, it assumes no middleware was able to handle the request, and creates a 404 response, indicating "Not Found."

In the event that an error was passed, it does the following:

  • If $error is not an exception, it will use the response status if it already indicates an error (ie., >= 400 status), or will use a 500 status, and return the response directly with the reason phrase.
  • If $error is an exception, it will use the exception status if it already indicates an error (ie., >= 400 status), or will use a 500 status, and return the response directly with the reason phrase. If the FinalHandler was initialized with an option indicating that it is in development mode, it writes the exception stack trace to the response body.

This workflow stays the same throughout mezzio. But sometimes, it's just not enough.

Templated Errors

You'll typically want to provide error messages in your site template. To do so, we provide Mezzio\TemplatedErrorHandler. This class is similar to the FinalHandler, but accepts, optionally, a Mezzio\Template\TemplateRendererInterface instance, and template names to use for 404 and general error conditions. This makes it a good choice for use in production.

First, of course, you'll need to select a templating system and ensure you have the appropriate dependencies installed; see the templating documentation for information on what we support and how to install supported systems.

Once you have selected your templating system, you can set up the templated error handler.

use Mezzio\Application;
use Mezzio\Plates\PlatesRenderer;
use Mezzio\TemplatedErrorHandler;

$plates = new PlatesRenderer();
$plates->addPath(__DIR__ . '/templates/error', 'error');
$finalHandler = new TemplatedErrorHandler($plates, 'error::404', 'error::500');

$app = new Application($router, $container, $finalHandler);

The above will use the templates error::404 and error::500 for 404 and general errors, respectively, rendering them using our Plates template adapter.

You can also use the TemplatedErrorHandler as a substitute for the FinalHandler, without using templated capabilities, by omitting the TemplateRendererInterface instance when instantiating it. In this case, the response message bodies will be empty, though the response status will reflect the error.

See the section titled "Container Factories and Configuration", below, for techniques on configuring the TemplatedErrorHandler as your final handler within a container-based application.


whoops is a library for providing a more usable UI around exceptions and PHP errors. We provide integration with this library through Laminas\Express\WhoopsErrorHandler. This error handler derives from the TemplatedErrorHandler, and uses its features for 404 status and non-exception errors. For exceptions, however, it will return the whoops output. As such, it is a good choice for use in development.

To use it, you must first install whoops:

$ composer require filp/whoops

Then you will need to provide the error handler a whoops runtime instance, as well as a Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler instance. You can also optionally provide a TemplateRendererInterface instance and template names, just as you would for a TemplatedErrorHandler.

use Mezzio\Application;
use Mezzio\Plates\PlatesRenderer;
use Mezzio\WhoopsErrorHandler;
use Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler;
use Whoops\Run as Whoops;

$handler = new PrettyPageHandler();

$whoops = new Whoops;

$plates = new PlatesRenderer();
$plates->addPath(__DIR__ . '/templates/error', 'error');
$finalHandler = new WhoopsErrorHandler(

$app = new Application($router, $container, $finalHandler);

// Register Whoops just before running the application, as otherwise it can
// swallow bootstrap errors.

The calls to writeToOutput(false), allowQuit(false), and register() must be made to guarantee whoops will interoperate well with mezzio.

You can add more handlers if desired.

Internally, when an exception is discovered, mezzio adds some data to the whoops output, primarily around the request information (URI, HTTP request method, route match attributes, etc.).

See the next section for techniques on configuring the WhoopsErrorHandler as your final handler within a container-based application.

Container Factories and Configuration

The above may feel like a bit much when creating your application. As such, we provide several factories that work with container-interop-compatible container implementations to simplify setup.

In each case, you should register the selected error handler's factory as the service Mezzio\FinalHandler.