
This component provides OAuth2 (server) authentication for Mezzio and PSR-7/PSR-15 applications. It implements Mezzio\Authentication\AuthenticationInterface, and it can be used as an adapter for mezzio-authentication.

This library uses the league/oauth2-server package for implementing the OAuth2 server.

If you need an introduction to OAuth2, you can read the following references:


In order to implement the OAuth2 server, we first need to configure it. The first step is to generate new cryptographic keys. We need to execute the script ./vendor/bin/generate-oauth2-keys in order to generate these keys.

$ ./vendor/bin/generate-oauth2-keys

This script will store the keys in the application's data folder if found:

Private key stored in:
Public key stored in:
Encryption key stored in:

The script will generate public and private keys, and an encryption key. These keys are used by league/oauth2-server as security settings for the OAuth2 server infrastructure.


The OAuth2 server is configured by the authentication configuration key in the PSR-11 container (e.g. laminas-servicemanager).

The default values are:

use League\OAuth2\Server\Grant;

return [
    'private_key'    => __DIR__ . '/../data/oauth/private.key',
    'public_key'     => __DIR__ . '/../data/oauth/public.key',
    'encryption_key' => require __DIR__ . '/../data/oauth/encryption.key',
    'access_token_expire'  => 'P1D',
    'refresh_token_expire' => 'P1M',
    'auth_code_expire'     => 'PT10M',
    'pdo' => [
        'dsn'      => '',
        'username' => '',
        'password' => ''

    // Set value to null to disable a grant
    'grants' => [
        Grant\ClientCredentialsGrant::class => Grant\ClientCredentialsGrant::class,
        Grant\PasswordGrant::class          => Grant\PasswordGrant::class,
        Grant\AuthCodeGrant::class          => Grant\AuthCodeGrant::class,
        Grant\ImplicitGrant::class          => Grant\ImplicitGrant::class,
        Grant\RefreshTokenGrant::class      => Grant\RefreshTokenGrant::class

The private_key and public_key values contains the paths to the previous generated pair of keys. The encryption_key contains the encryption key value as a string, as stored in the data/oauth/encryption.key file.

By default both key files are checked for correct permissions (chmod 400, 440, 600, 640 or 660 is expected, and 600 or 660 is recommended). In case the environment/operating system (e.g. Windows) does not support such a permissions, the check can be disabled:

    // ...
    'private_key' => [
        'key_or_path' => __DIR__ . '/../data/oauth/private.key',
        'key_permissions_check' => false,
    // ...

The access_token_expire value is the time-to-live (TTL) value of the access token. The time period is represented using the DateInterval format in PHP. The default value is P1D (1 day).

The refresh_token_expire value is the TTL used for the refresh token. The default value is 1 month.

The auth_code_expire value is the TTL of the authentication code, used in the authorization code grant scenario. The default value is 10 minutes.

The pdo value is for the PDO database configuration. Here we need to insert the parameters to access the OAuth2 database. These parameters are the dsn, the username, and the password, if required. The SQL structure of this database is stored in the data/oauth2.sql file.

If you already have a PDO service configured, you can instead pass the service name to the pdo key as follows:

return [
    'pdo' => 'myServiceName',

The grants array is for enabling/disabling grants. By default, all the supported grants are configured to be available. If you would like to disable any of the supplied grants, change the value for the grant to null. Additionally, you can extend this array to add your own custom grants.

Configure Event Listeners

  • Since 1.3.0

Optional The event_listeners and event_listener_providers arrays may be used to enable event listeners for events published by league\oauth2-server. See the Authorization Server Domain Events documentation. The possible event names can be found in League\OAuth2\Server\RequestEvent.

Event Listeners

The event_listeners key must contain an array of arrays. Each array element must contain at least 2 elements and may include a 3rd element. These roughly correspond to the arguments passed to League\Event\ListenerAcceptorInterface::addListener(). The first element must be a string -- either the wildcard (*) or a single event name. The second element must be either a callable, a concrete instance of League\Event\ListenerInterface, or a string pointing to your listener service instance in the container. The third element is optional, and must be an integer if provided.

See the documentation for callable listeners.

Event Listener Providers

The event_listener_providers key must contain an array. Each array element must contain either a concrete instance of League\Event\ListenerProviderInterface or a string pointing to your container service instance of a listener provider.

See the documentation for listener providers.

Example config:

return [    
    'event_listeners' => [
        // using a container service
        // using a callable
            function (\League\OAuth2\Server\RequestEvent $event) {
                // do something
    'event_listener_providers' => [

OAuth2 Database

You need to provide an OAuth2 database yourself, or generate a SQLite database with the following command (using sqlite3 for GNU/Linux):

$ sqlite3 data/oauth2.sqlite < vendor/mezzio/mezzio-authentication-oauth2/data/oauth2.sql

You can also create some testing values using the data/oauth2_test.sql file:

$ sqlite3 data/oauth2.sqlite < vendor/mezzio/mezzio-authentication-oauth2/data/oauth2_test.sql

These commands will insert the following testing values:

For security reason, the client secret and the user password are stored using the bcrypt algorithm as used by the password_hash function.

Configure OAuth2 Routes

As the final step, in order to use the OAuth2 server you need to configure the routes for the token endpoint and authorization.

You can read how add the token endpoint and the authorization routes in the Implement an authorization server section.

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