
Configuring Handlers To Require Authentication

In the previous chapter, we detailed writing a handler to display a login form for submitting credentials. That handler then redirects back to the original URL that required authentication.

This means that the original handler needs to have the AuthenticationMiddleware as part of its pipeline.

Additionally, this package depends on the mezzio-session SessionMiddleware being present and in the pipeline before the mezzio-authentication AuthenticationMiddleware, as the PhpSession adapter it provides requires access to the session container via the request.

There are three ways to accomplish this:

  • Requiring authentication everywhere.
  • Requiring authentication for subpaths of the application.
  • Requiring authentication for individual routes.

Requiring authentication everywhere

With this approach, every request other than the one to the login form itself will require authentication. To make this possible, you will need to decorate the mezzio-authentication AuthenticationMiddleware so that you can exclude that particular path.

As an example, you could do the following in the config/pipeline.php file, before the RouteMiddleware somewhere:

// Pipe in the session middleware

// Pipe a handler that checks to see if authentication is needed:
    // $container is present within the callback, and refers to the DI container.
    function ($request, $handler) use ($container) {
        if ($request->getUri()->getPath() === '/login') {
            // Login request; do not require the authentication middleware
            return $handler->handle($request);

        // All other requests require the authentication middleware
        $authenticationMiddleware = $container->get(
        return $authenticationMiddleware->process($request, $handler);

Requiring authentication for subpaths of the application

If you know all handlers under a given subpath of the application require authentication, you can use Stratigility's path segregation features to add authentication.

For example, consider the following within the config/pipeline.php file, which adds authentication to any path starting with /admin:

// Add this within the import section of the file:
use function Laminas\Stratigility\path;

// Add this within the callback, before the routing middleware:
$app->pipe(path('/admin', $factory->pipeline(

Requiring authentication for individual routes

The most granular approach involves adding authentication to individual routes. In such cases, you will create a route-specific middleware pipeline.

As an example, if we wanted authentication for each of the routes that use the path /admin/users[/\d+], we could do the following within our config/routes.php file:

$app->get('/admin/users[/\d+]', [
], 'users');
$app->post('/admin/users', [
$app->post('/admin/users[/\d+]', [

Note that each pipeline contains both the session and authentication middleware!