
Using the ResourceGenerator in Path-Segregated Middleware

  • Since 1.1.0.

You may want to develop your API as a separate module that you can then drop in to an existing application; you may even want to path-segregate it.

In such cases, you will want to use a different router instance to isolate your routes, which has a huge number of ramifications:

  • You'll need separate routing middleware.
  • You'll need a separate UrlHelper instance, as well as its related middleware.
  • You'll need a separate URL generator for HAL that consumes the separate UrlHelper instance.
  • You'll need a separate LinkGenerator for HAL that consumes the separate URL generator.
  • You'll need a separate ResourceGenerator for HAL that consumes the separate LinkGenerator.

This can be accomplished by writing your own factories, but that means a lot of extra code, and the potential for it to go out-of-sync with the official factories for these services. What should you do?

Virtual services

Since version 1.1.0 of this package, and versions 3.1.0 of mezzio-router and 5.1.0 of mezzio-helpers, you can now pass additional constructor arguments to a number of factories to allow varying the service dependencies they look for.

In our example below, we will create an Api module. This module will have its own router, and be segregated in the path /api; all routes we create will be relative to that path, and not include it in their definitions. The handler we create will return HAL-JSON, and thus need to generate links using the configured router and base path.

To begin, we will alter the ConfigProvider for our module to add the definitions noted below:

// in src/Api/ConfigProvider.php:
namespace Api;

use Mezzio\Hal\LinkGeneratorFactory;
use Mezzio\Hal\LinkGenerator\MezzioUrlGeneratorFactory;
use Mezzio\Hal\Metadata\MetadataMap;
use Mezzio\Hal\ResourceGeneratorFactory;
use Mezzio\Helper\UrlHelperFactory;
use Mezzio\Helper\UrlHelperMiddlewareFactory;
use Mezzio\Router\FastRouteRouter;
use Mezzio\Router\Middleware\RouteMiddlewareFactory;
use Mezzio\Router\FastRouteRouterFactory;

class ConfigProvider
    public function __invoke() : array
        return [
            'dependencies' => $this->getDependencies(),
            MetadataMap::class => $this->getMetadataMap(),

    public function getDependencies() : array
        return [
            'factories' => [
                // module-specific class name => factory
                LinkGenerator::class          => new LinkGeneratorFactory(UrlGenerator::class),
                ResourceGenerator::class      => new ResourceGeneratorFactory(LinkGenerator::class),
                Router::class                 => FastRouteRouterFactory::class,
                RouteMiddleware::class        => new RouteMiddlewareFactory(Router::class),
                UrlHelper::class              => new UrlHelperFactory('/api', Router::class),
                UrlHelperMiddleware::class    => new UrlHelperMiddlewareFactory(UrlHelper::class),
                UrlGenerator::class           => new MezzioUrlGeneratorFactory(UrlHelper::class),

                // Our handler:
                CreateBookHandler::class => CreateBookHandlerFactory::class,

                // And our pipeline:
                Pipeline::class => PipelineFactory::class,

    public function getMetadataMap() : array
        return [
            // ...

Note that the majority of these service names are virtual; they do not resolve to actual classes. PHP allows usage of the ::class pseudo-constant anywhere, and will resolve the value based on the current namespace. This gives us virtual services such as Api\Router, Api\UrlHelper, etc.

Also note that we are creating factory instances. Normally, we recommend not using closures or instances for factories due to potential problems with configuration caching. Fortunately, we have provided functionality in each of these factories that allows them to be safely cached, retaining the context-specific configuration required.

What about the hard-coded path?

You'll note that the above example hard-codes the base path for the UrlHelper. What if you want to use a different path?

You can override the service in an application-specific configuration under config/autoload/, specifying a different path!

\Api\UrlHelper::class => new UrlHelperFactory('/different/path', \Api\Router::class),

Using virtual services with a handler

Now let's turn to our CreateBookHandler. We'll define it as follows:

// in src/Api/CreateBookHandler.php:
namespace Api;

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Mezzio\Hal\HalResponseFactory;
use Mezzio\Hal\ResourceGenerator;

class CreateBookHandler implements RequestHandlerInterface
    private $resourceGenerator;

    private $responseFactory;

    public function __construct(ResourceGenerator $resourceGenerator, HalResponseFactory $responseFactory)
        $this->resourceGenerator = $resourceGenerator;
        $this->responseFactory = $responseFactory;

    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface
        // do some work ...

        $resource = $this->resourceGenerator->fromObject($book, $request);
        return $this->responseFactory->createResponse($request, $book);

This handler needs a HAL resource generator. More specifically, it needs the one specific to our module. As such, we'll define our factory as follows:

// in src/Api/CreateBookHandlerFactory.php:
namespace Api;

use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Mezzio\Hal\HalResponseFactory;

class CreateBookHandlerFactory
    public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container) : CreateBookHandler
        return new CreateBookHandler(
            ResourceGenerator::class, // module-specific service name!

You can create any number of such handlers for your module; the above demonstrates how and where injection of the alternate resource generator occurs.

Creating our pipeline and routes

Now we can create our pipeline and routes.

Generally when piping to an application instance, we can specify a class name of middleware to pipe, or an array of middleware:

// in config/pipeline.php:
$app->pipe('/api', [
    \Api\RouteMiddleware::class,     // module-specific routing middleware!
    \Api\UrlHelperMiddleware::class, // module-specific URL helper middleware!

However, we have both the pipeline and routes, and we likely want to indicate the exact behavior of this pipeline. Additionally, we may want to re-use this pipeline in other applications; pushing this into the application configuration makes that more error-prone.

As such, we will create a factory that generates and returns a Laminas\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe instance that is fully configured for our module. As part of this functionality, we will also add our module-specific routing.

// In src/Api/PipelineFactory.php:
namespace Api;

use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Mezzio\MiddlewareFactory;
use Mezzio\Router\Middleware as RouterMiddleware;
use Mezzio\Router\RouteCollector;
use Mezzio\ProblemDetails\ProblemDetailsMiddleware;
use Mezzio\ProblemDetails\ProblemDetailsNotFoundHandler;
use Laminas\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe;

class PipelineFactory
    public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container) : MiddlewarePipe
        $factory = $container->get(MiddlewareFactory::class);

        // First, create our middleware pipeline
        $pipeline = new MiddlewarePipe();
        $pipeline->pipe($factory->lazy(RouteMiddleware::class)); // module-specific!
        $pipeline->pipe($factory->lazy(UrlHelperMiddleware::class)); // module-specific!

        // Second, we'll create our routes
        $router = $container->get(Router::class); // Retrieve our module-specific router
        $routes = new RouteCollector($router);    // Create a route collector to simplify routing

        // Start routing:
        $routes->post('/books', $factory->lazy(CreateBookHandler::class));

        // Return the pipeline now that we're done!
        return $pipeline;

Note that the routing definitions do not include the prefix /api; this is because that prefix will be stripped when we path-segregate our API middleware pipeline. All routing will be relative to that path.

Creating a path-segregated pipeline

Finally, we will attach our pipeline to the application, using path segregation:

// in config/pipeline.php:
$app->pipe('/api', \Api\Pipeline::class);

This statement tells the application to pipe the pipeline returned by our PipelineFactory under the path /api; that path will be stripped from requests when passed to the underlying middleware.

At this point, we now have a re-usable module, complete with its own routing, with URI generation that will include the base path under which we have segregated the pipeline!