
Removing the StaticResourceRequestListener

By default, we ship with static resource handling enabled. This is done by having the Mezzio\Swoole\Event\StaticResourceRequestListener in the list of listeners provided for the Mezzio\Swoole\Event\RequestEvent.

To disable that listener, you will need to replace the set of listeners for that event, to include only the Mezzio\Swoole\Event\RequestHandlerRequestListener. You can do that in your application configuration as follows:

// in config/autoload/

use Laminas\Stdlib\ArrayUtils\MergeReplaceKey;
use Mezzio\Swoole\Event;

return [
    // ...
    'mezzio-swoole' => [
        // ...
        'swoole-http-server' => [
            // ...
            'listeners' => [
                Event\RequestEvent::class => new MergeReplaceKey([
    // ...