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Swoole-based server always returns home page

The problem

You have started your Swoole-based web-server using ./vendor/bin/laminas mezzio:swoole:start, but every request is returned with a status 200 response and the contents of the home page.

The solution

This is generally caused by having the mezzio-swoole configuration provider too early in your application configuration, which then causes the default Mezzio configuration to overwrite the mezzio-swoole application runner.

As an example, if the definition of the ConfigAggregator in your config/config.php file looks something like this:

$aggregator = new ConfigAggregator([
    // Include cache configuration
    new \Laminas\ConfigAggregator\ArrayProvider($cacheConfig),
    // Default App module config
    // Load application config in a pre-defined order in such a way that local settings
    // overwrite global settings. (Loaded as first to last):
    //   - `global.php`
    //   - `*.global.php`
    //   - `local.php`
    //   - `*.local.php`
    new \Laminas\ConfigAggregator\PhpFileProvider(realpath(__DIR__) . '/autoload/{{,*.}global,{,*.}local}.php'),
    // Load development config if it exists
    new \Laminas\ConfigAggregator\PhpFileProvider(realpath(__DIR__) . '/development.config.php'),
], $cacheConfig['config_cache_path']);

Note the position of the Mezzio\Swoole\ConfigProvider::class entry at the top. This can happen if you have previously removed the original entry from the config/config.php as provided by the skeleton project, or if you hand-crafted your config/config.php file, and then later usedcomposer require mezzio/mezzio-swoole`, as the component installer injects at the start of the aggregator definition.

The mezzio-swoole package provides a custom implementation of an HTTP Handler Runner. Because it defines the same service name as the one provided by laminas/laminas-httphandlerrunner, the mezzio-swoole ConfigProvider must appear later during aggregation to ensure it takes precedence:

$aggregator = new ConfigAggregator([
    \Mezzio\Swoole\ConfigProvider::class, // <-- Here or later!
    // Include cache configuration
    new \Laminas\ConfigAggregator\ArrayProvider($cacheConfig),
    // Default App module config
    // Load application config in a pre-defined order in such a way that local settings
    // overwrite global settings. (Loaded as first to last):
    //   - `global.php`
    //   - `*.global.php`
    //   - `local.php`
    //   - `*.local.php`
    new \Laminas\ConfigAggregator\PhpFileProvider(realpath(__DIR__) . '/autoload/{{,*.}global,{,*.}local}.php'),
    // Load development config if it exists
    new \Laminas\ConfigAggregator\PhpFileProvider(realpath(__DIR__) . '/development.config.php'),
], $cacheConfig['config_cache_path']);

Note the change in position for the Mezzio\Swoole\ConfigProvider:class entry in the above example.