
mezzio-cors provides middleware consuming PSR-7 HTTP message instances, via implementation of PSR-15 interfaces.

This middleware checks, if the incoming request is a CORS request. If so, it makes a distinction between a so called Preflight request or the regular request.

Preflight Request

A Preflight request should be a light call which provides the Browser with the CORS informations it needs to execute the regular (CORS) request.

These informations are:

  • Domain accepted for executing CORS request?
  • Cookies accepted?
  • Which Headers are allowed to be sent?
  • Which Headers are provided in the response?
  • Which HTTP Methods are accepted by that Endpoint?

CORS Request

The CORS request is the actual request. That request SHOULD to be already verified. If its not verified by a previous Preflight request, the request will be aborted with a 403 Forbidden response.


There are 2 ways of configuring CORS in your project. Either create a global configuration file like cors.global.php and/or add a route specific configuration.

On the project level, you can only configure the following Headers:

Configuration Type Header
allowed_origins string[] Access-Control-Allow-Origin
allowed_headers string[] Access-Control-Allow-Headers
allowed_max_age string (TTL in seconds) Access-Control-Max-Age
credentials_allowed bool Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
exposed_headers string[] Access-Control-Expose-Headers

fnmatch Format

The allowed_origins strings must fit the fnmatch format.**

On the route level, you can configure all of the projects configuration settings and if the configuration of the route should either override the project configuration (default) or merge it.

Configuration Type Header
overrides_project_configuration bool -
explicit bool -
allowed_origins string[] Access-Control-Allow-Origin
allowed_headers string[] Access-Control-Allow-Headers
allowed_max_age string (TTL in seconds) Access-Control-Max-Age
credentials_allowed bool Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
exposed_headers string[] Access-Control-Expose-Headers

The parameter overrides_project_configuration handles the way how the configuration is being merged. The default setting is true to ensure that a route configuration has to specify every information it will provide.

The parameter explicit tells the ConfigurationLocator to stop trying other request methods to match the same route because there wont be any other method.

Examples for Project Configurations

Allow Every Origin

// In config/autoload/cors.global.php

use Mezzio\Cors\Configuration\ConfigurationInterface;

return [
    ConfigurationInterface::CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER => [
        'allowed_origins' => [ConfigurationInterface::ANY_ORIGIN], // Allow any origin
        'allowed_headers' => [], // No custom headers allowed
        'allowed_max_age' => '600', // 10 minutes
        'credentials_allowed' => true, // Allow cookies
        'exposed_headers' => ['X-Custom-Header'], // Tell client that the API will always return this header  

Allow Every Origin from a Specific Domain and Its Subdomains

// In config/autoload/cors.global.php


use Mezzio\Cors\Configuration\ConfigurationInterface;

return [
    ConfigurationInterface::CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER => [
        'allowed_origins' => ['*//example.com', '*.example.com'],
        'allowed_headers' => [], // No custom headers allowed
        'allowed_max_age' => '3600', // 60 minutes
        'credentials_allowed' => false, // Disallow cookies
        'exposed_headers' => [], // No headers are exposed  

Examples for Route Configurations

Make the Configuration Explicit to Avoid Multiple Router Match Requests

// In config/autoload/cors.global.php

use Mezzio\Cors\Configuration\ConfigurationInterface;
use Mezzio\Cors\Configuration\RouteConfigurationInterface;

return [
    ConfigurationInterface::CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER => [
        'allowed_origins' => ['*//example.com', '*.example.com'],
        'allowed_headers' => ['X-Project-Header'],
        'exposed_headers' => ['X-Some-Header'],
        'allowed_max_age' => '3600',
        'credentials_allowed' => true,
    'routes' => [
            'name' => 'foo-get',
            'path' => '/foo',
            'middleware' => [
                // ...
            'options' => [
                'defaults' => [
                    RouteConfigurationInterface::PARAMETER_IDENTIFIER => [
                        'explicit' => true,
                        'allowed_origins' => ['*//someotherdomain.com'],
                        'allowed_headers' => ['X-Specific-Header-For-Foo-Endpoint'],
                        'allowed_max_age' => '3600',
            'allowed_methods' => ['GET'],
            'name' => 'foo-delete',
            'path' => '/foo',
            'middleware' => [
                // ...
            'allowed_methods' => ['DELETE'],

Result of this configuration for the CORS preflight of /foo for the upcoming GET request will look like this:

Configuration Parameter
allowed_origins ['*//someotherdomain.com']
allowed_headers ['X-Specific-Header-For-Foo-Endpoint']
allowed_max_age 3600
exposed_headers []
credentials_allowed false
allowed_methods ['GET']

Did you note the missing DELETE? This is because of the explicit flag! Also note the empty exposed_headers which is due to the project overriding (overrides_project_configuration) parameter.

Enable Project Merging


use Mezzio\Cors\Configuration\ConfigurationInterface;
use Mezzio\Cors\Configuration\RouteConfigurationInterface;

return [
    ConfigurationInterface::CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER => [
        'allowed_origins' => ['*//example.com', '*.example.com'],
        'allowed_headers' => ['X-Project-Header'],
        'exposed_headers' => ['X-Some-Header'],
        'allowed_max_age' => '3600',
    'routes' => [
            'name' => 'foo-get',
            'path' => '/foo',
            'middleware' => [
                // ...
            'options' => [
                'defaults' => [
                    RouteConfigurationInterface::PARAMETER_IDENTIFIER => [
                        'overrides_project_configuration' => false,
                        'allowed_origins' => [RouteConfigurationInterface::ANY_ORIGIN],
                        'allowed_headers' => ['X-Specific-Header-For-Foo-Endpoint'],
                        'allowed_max_age' => '7200',
                        'credentials_allowed' => true,
            'allowed_methods' => ['GET'],
            'name' => 'foo-delete',
            'path' => '/foo',
            'middleware' => [
                // ...
            'allowed_methods' => ['DELETE'],

Result of this configuration for the CORS preflight of /foo for the upcoming GET request will look like this:

Configuration Parameter
allowed_origins [RouteConfigurationInterface::ANY_ORIGIN]
allowed_headers ['X-Specific-Header-For-Foo-Endpoint', 'X-Project-Header']
allowed_max_age 7200
exposed_headers ['X-Some-Header']
credentials_allowed true
allowed_methods ['GET', 'DELETE']

Did you note the ANY_ORIGIN detail? This is, because if ANY_ORIGIN is allowed for an endpoint, we remove all other origins for that route.